Meta Tags Analyzer

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About Meta Tags Analyzer

Meta tags are fragments of text that describe the content of a page; meta tags do not appear on the page itself, but only in the page code. We all know the tags of blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, small content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is. The only difference between the tags you can see (on a blogpost, for example) and the tags you can't see is the location: meta tags only exist in HTML, usually at the top of the page, and are therefore only visible to search engines (and people who know where to look). Meta means metadata, which is the type of data that these tags provide - data about the data on your page. You can use the meta tag analyzer and free meta tag generation tools to help you.

There are four main types of meta tags that are worth knowing and we will discuss them here. Some are no longer as useful as they once were. Others are worth using regularly, and will most likely increase your traffic by letting Google know who you are and what you provide (There are more than four types of meta tags, but some are less common or irrelevant to web marketing). The four guys we're going to discuss here are: Meta Keywords Attribute - A series of keywords that you consider relevant for the page in question. Title Tag - This is the text you will see at the top of your browser. Search engines see this text as the title of your page. Meta Attribute Description - A brief description of the page. Meta Robots Attribute - An indication to search engine robots (robots or bots) on what they should do with the page.

Attribute Meta Keywords
Meta Keywords are an example of a meta tag that doesn't make much sense these days. Years ago, meta-word tags may have been beneficial, but not anymore. You remember in kindergarten and when your teacher looked at you with a stern look and said if you can't stop using those crayons while I'm talking, I'm going to take them away from you, and you didn't listen and, to your shock, they were taken away? This is what Google has done with meta keywords.

Attribute Meta Description
It is a very useful meta tag because, very simply, it explains to search engines and (sometimes) to researchers themselves what your page is It is important to note that the description tag will not always appear in Google search results (Google often chooses a piece of text from the page itself) but it is useful in another way. Google also stated that keywords in meta descriptions will not affect your ranking. However, a compelling meta description tag could encourage researchers to click from the e-PRS to your site, especially if the description includes the keywords they were looking for. Google's reasons are somewhat mysterious, but their actions speak for themselves: keywords no longer matter much, but meta descriptions certainly do.